FL Partners has advised the Danish software company Indicia Danmark on its sale to Swedish Confirma Software, which enters the Danish market with the acquisition.
Indicia Danmark is a Danish software company specializing in developing and implementing a high-end ticket system, etrack1. etrack1 is a cloud-based and GDPR-compliant ticket system that helps medium and large companies efficiently handle online customer inquiries. Indicia Danmark joins the new constellation with 17 employees and a turnover of more than 20 MDKK.
Confirma Software is a provider of vertical enterprise software solutions across the Nordics headquartered in Stockholm. The company is established as a new Nordic platform focusing on acquiring strong enterprise software companies with specialized offerings for SME customers. Abry Partners, a sector-focused private equity investment firm located in Boston, is the majority investor in Confirma Software.
The owners’ motivation for the transaction is Indicia Danmark’s desire to enter a larger organization that can ensure international expansion and a faster and broader approach to the market for the company’s ticket system. Through the acquisition, Confirma Software achieves an attractive platform on the Danish market to realize several new growth opportunities.